Ok you two, Danny and Barbara, remember,
Loose lips sink ships..... SHHHHHHHH.
I don't know but I can wait...
Good job keepin yer traps shut. A bit cruel but its great fun anyway!
if i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Ok you two, Danny and Barbara, remember,
Loose lips sink ships..... SHHHHHHHH.
I don't know but I can wait...
Good job keepin yer traps shut. A bit cruel but its great fun anyway!
if i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
How early in the week can we expect the fan to be be hit by the poop?
if i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Is this news that will be seen by the public in general that will really catch their attention? The Ray Franz thing was a nothing article in the religion section of time magazine. They could miss it easily. Yes Dateline was big, but on the whole most people changed the channel. A circuit overseer once said that the R/F talked more about that program than the householders. In fact, he'd never had one householder bring it up, but all the witnesses did. Maybe that is an even better result.
Will this coming expose' news bring national, international or local attention?
Why do you torment us thusly, you little manx?
if i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Is it bigger than a breadbox?
i happened to see a card a few minutes ago from a jw i grew up with to another jw that we grew up with.
all of us are in our 50s now, and we've known each other since we were early teens.. the sister who wrote the card has pioneered for decades.
she's married, but decided to never have kids.
Yes Daniel, but remember... they all went to heaven by 1918!!! Lucky for them.
Yeah, right.
bad day by daniel powter where is the moment we need at the most you kick up the leaves and the magic is lost they tell me your blue skies fade to grey they tell me your passion's gone away and i don't need no carryin' on
you stand in the line just to hit a new low you're faking a smile with the coffee to go you tell me your life's been way off line you're falling to pieces everytime and i don't need no carryin' on
so where is the passion when you need it the most oh you and i you kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
"Jehovah's Witness"
Jehovah's witness leave me alone
Jehovah's witness i'm not at home
Keep on a-knockin' and ringin' the bells
Knockin' your way straight to hell
Jehovah's witness let's not pretend
That for one second you are my friend
Knock on my door and i'll turn out the light
Close the curtains and turn in for the night
Jehovah's witness why must it be
Just when i'm feeling good i look out and see
You walking up in your very nice suit
Like i'm some old lady who'll give up her loot
Jehovah's witness leave me alone
Jehovah's witness i'm not at home
i happened to see a card a few minutes ago from a jw i grew up with to another jw that we grew up with.
all of us are in our 50s now, and we've known each other since we were early teens.. the sister who wrote the card has pioneered for decades.
she's married, but decided to never have kids.
They have the perfect caveats, "No it's not delaying, can't say that in my heart for that would make me evil slave-like."
Cant say "Why everything is continuing the same as from creation till now" for that would mean I am headed to unfaithfulness.
Cant say "Where is this promised presence of his?" for you will be a doubter and apostate.
So, instead they must believe that any "delay" of the "Great Day of God the Almighty" is in thier perception.
Now they are finding that just maybe it aint coming after all and they are middleaged and have gone grey haired in the way of righteousness but haven't got a pot to pee in.
Thank you Jesus, er, Brooklyn
do you every worry about dying?
do you think that you probably won't have a very long life?
Was Dust. Am Dust. Will be Dust again. Didn't worry about being born. Dont worry about being alive. Wont worry about being dead. I'm gonna make nice soil I believe. Maybe sunflowers will grow out of my contribution.
So it goes.
as a jehovah's witness did you ever have a personal relationship with god?.
At first I called him "Mister" God. Then as I became more spiritual I called him Jehovah. When we got closer I would regularly call him "Jah". There were times when we would hang out and I just called him "J". We've grown apart since I went back to school. He's always maintaining the Universe and I'm doing homework. Seems we never talk any more. One time I ran into him while driving to school when a semi almost hit me, but that was only for a second and he was gone. One day maybe we'll catch up on old times, like when he bought me a new suit for the District Convention. He always met my hearts desire. Its hard to forget that kind of friendship. I hope he's got plenty of friends keeping him busy. Always liked that God.
and that christmas trees were pagan sticks.
she really did it this time.
he does not understand what a pagan stick is but he sure understands about santa not being real.
What? Santa is a tree?
I don't follow.